Drs. Joseph B. and Omayma T. Touma have been honored by the Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine with a lifetime achievement diversity award that bears their names. The inaugural award was presented in July.
Joseph Touma is a former chairman of the Marshall University Board of Governors and Omayma Touma is retired medical director of the Cabell Huntington Health Department.
The Drs. Joseph B. and Omayma T. Touma Excellence in Diversity Lifetime Achievement Award was created this year by the School of Medicine’s Multicultural Advisory Committee to recognize and honor demonstrated commitment and outstanding efforts to create a diverse and inclusive community.
“The Toumas are prime examples of lifetime achievement in enhancing the practice of equality and diversity as they’ve devoted a major portion of their professional careers to the cause,” said Shelvy L. Campbell-Monroe, Ph.D., assistant dean for diversity at the school of medicine. “We are very grateful for their support of the school of medicine and its diversity and inclusion effort and are so happy to recognize them for their work.”
The Toumas were recognized in July at the 2015 Project P.R.E.M.E.D. event, a program designed for college students of color to explore life as medical students and life in medical school.