Dr. Yi Charlie Chen, professor of biology at Alderson Broaddus University’s College of Health, Science, Technology & Mathematics, will be the Plenary Speaker at the International Meet on Nutritional Science and Food Chemistry conference held in Barcelona, Spain, September 15 – 17, 2022.

The presentation is entitled the “Effect of TF3 on ovarian cancer cell growth and human health”, the most important natural compound found in black tea. “Our research found that this bioactive substance strongly inhibited both ovarian cancer cells and ovarian cancer stem cells that are responsible for cancer drug resistance,” explains Chen. “Our research also found that TF3 has a strong anti-diabetic effect by regulating glucose metabolism. Therefore, TF3 is a promising anti-cancer and anti-diabetic compound with low cost and no side effects in the human body.”

According to the conference website, NUTRITIONMEET 2022, the goal of the conference “is to bring together a multi-disciplinary group of scientists and engineers from all over the world to present and exchange breakthrough ideas relating to nutritional science.” Promoting globalized top-level research facilitates in-depth discussions and “focusing attention on the recent outstanding achievements in the field of Food Chemistry.”

The conference is limited to just 200 attendees representing thirty-five countries. Conference literature lists approximately eighteen Plenary and Keynote speakers covering various nutrition and food chemistry topics. 

From Alderson Broaddus University News